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Preventing Chronic Delinquency: The Search For Childhood Risk Factors

... with it? (3) Can early childhood programs that lessen the impact of these factors prevent chronic delinquency? Researchers have long sought factors that are regularly associated with chronic delinquency. The strongest factor, as mentioned above, is a history of antisocial behavior in childhood, but many other early risk factors have also been linked to chronic delinquency. These factors, listed in Table 1, include perinatal difficulties, neurological and biological factors, low verbal ability, neighborhoods characterized by social dis ...

Number of words: 2553 | Number of pages: 10

Sartre And Homosexuality

... homosexual is talking with his friend, the "champion of sincerity, " who wants his homosexual friend to be what he is and declare his homosexuality. In Sartre’s logic, the homosexual is correct, as no person is a homosexual in the way that a "table is a table." Sartre’s argument lies within this framework. He believes that the homosexual cannot acknowledge that he is a homosexual. If the homosexual becomes "sincere", and expresses that he is a homosexual, he would be in bad faith. He would essentially agree that he is a homosexual i ...

Number of words: 1108 | Number of pages: 5

Three Values Every Child Should Learn

... people. If a person does not know how to respect himself, he will not be capable of respecting other people. It is important to show respect to all people because it is difficult to communicate with others without showing them respect. People need to treat each other with respect and love. The Bible commands that a person treat others the way he wants to be treated. Children must be shown how to show respect to other people so they can receive that respect. Another important value children learn from their parents is to be independent. ...

Number of words: 422 | Number of pages: 2

Cars: New Or Used

... to invest as much money in research and development as their Japanese counterparts. Thus, a Japanese car built in the mid-nineties will have the same technology featured in new American cars. There are three categories into which this technology falls. First, older Japanese cars are equivalent to new American cars in safety features such as anti-lock brakes, airbags, and theft deterrent systems. Fuel economy has been noticeably better in Japanese made cars for many years. American cars have been slower to move from gas-guzzlers to m ...

Number of words: 436 | Number of pages: 2

Animal Rights

... be hurt by this procedure. They just strapped the baboon to a metal device, which would force it's head upward at a sixty degree angle and then crush it with violent force. The baboon would then writhe and moan before falling silent. This experiment meant to simulate what happens to human beings in a car crash or a violent head injury. It isn't right to cause pain, suffering, and certain death to animals just for our benefit. Many scientists also agree that this experimental procedure was wrong but only because primates have higher i ...

Number of words: 761 | Number of pages: 3

Drug Testing For School Extracurricular Activities

... authority over their students. Students in school as well as out of school are ‘persons’ under the Constitution.” Justice Abe Fortas, Tinker v. Des Moines (1969). The fact that a Supreme Court judge ruled that all students in the public school system are ‘persons’, lays precedent that all students have constitutional rights to some degree. In the fourteenth amendment it declares, “No [governmental organization] shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor s ...

Number of words: 859 | Number of pages: 4

Social Acceptance Of Homosexual Marriages

... Baptist belt, "a sin", in today's society more than 15% of families are with same sex parents who are raising one or more children. Legally, homosexual marriages are not binding, thus causing difficulty in adopting or fostering children. Due to society it is often difficult to birth a child, as well, without a "husband" or a "father" in a mother's life. Therefore, those who have children, via pregnancy, foster, or adoption have conquered a very difficult task. So, is this family an abnormal family because there are no opposite sex paren ...

Number of words: 321 | Number of pages: 2

Animal Rights

... hunger and malnutrition because food they could eat is being used to fatten domestic animals. Meanwhile, some people are dying of sad laughter at the absurdity of man, who kills so easily and so violently, and once a year sends out cards praying for Peace on Earth." (Coats, 13) We need to realize, that in today's society, animals deserve just as much freedom as humans have. Although we are larger in size, we are not superior in status. Animals have been around on the earth for as long as humans, if not longer. Animals play an important ...

Number of words: 1309 | Number of pages: 5

Study On Juvenile Psychopaths

... teenage criminals are increasingly vicious. John DiIulio, Professor of Politics and Public Affairs at Princeton University, says that "The difference between the juvenile criminals of the 1950s and those of the 1970s and early 1980s was the difference between the Sharks and the Jets of West Side Story and the Bloods and the Crips. It is not inconceivable that the demographic surge of the next ten years will bring with it young criminals who make the Bloods and the Crips look tame." (10) They are what Professor DiIulio and other ...

Number of words: 3783 | Number of pages: 14

Tobacco Advertising Makes Young People Their Chief Target

... Camel, a high-rolling, swinging cartoon character. Joe Camel, the "smooth character" from R.J. Reynolds, who is shown as a dromedary with complete style has been attacked by many Tobacco-Free Kids organizations as a major influence on the children of America. Dr. Lonnie Bristow, AMA (American Medical Association) spokesman, remarks that "to kids, cute cartoon characters mean that the product is harmless, but cigarettes are not harmless. They have to know that their ads are influencing the youth under 18 to begin smoking"(Breo). Researchers at ...

Number of words: 708 | Number of pages: 3

Peer Pressure Around Us

... that they are doing even if its wrong. An example of this is when a certain group of your friends smoke or drink and then try to pressure you into joining them. Considering that a fair amount of our decisions are based on what the rest of society thinks, peer and social pressure are important to all our decisions. We base the majority of our decisions on the influence our family have on us. Our family brings us up to think and do certain things to better us. We all feel a sense of living up to certain standards that our family puts upon us. ...

Number of words: 393 | Number of pages: 2

Censorship Of Books: Freedom Of What?

... have to change the material covered in their course as a result of complaining parents. If a child goes home and discusses a topic they learned in school and their parents don't like it, many parents automatically go ballistic. Many try to get rid of it before they have even taken the time to read it. If a parent feels that certain material is inappropriate for children to see, then they shouldn't let their chi ldren read it, but they shouldn't be able to decide what their neighbor's child should and should not read. That would clearly v ...

Number of words: 1181 | Number of pages: 5

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