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Is Spanking A Safe And Effective Way To Get Children To Behave?

... is used to modify a child's behavior, however, parent may use it to express anger or retaliation for a child's misbehavior(Williamson, 1990). According to Straus(1994) reasearch shows that most parents of today suffered some form of corporal punishment. Now however, there seems to be a reexamination of this type of punishment. The frequency of use has begun to decline over the last decade(Straus, 1994). According to a recent study done by Straus(1994) 94% of parents approved of spanking in 1968. However, in 1994 approval of spanking has d ...

Number of words: 1424 | Number of pages: 6

Advertising - Good Or Bad

... and adds to the cost of the product. Advertising is designed for one purpose - to sell. To acheive this goal, advertises are willing to stretch and distort the truth, just to convincing people to buy their product. For example, an advertiser may convince buyers to purchase their product by stating that has been tested and found superior. In reality, the product is not likely to be beter than any other - the tests themselves doubtlessly conducted by the promoting company - conducted to ensure at least something is superior about the prod ...

Number of words: 210 | Number of pages: 1


... should not mater. Both men and women are people, therefore, they should be treated with respect. Many men and women are harassed every day by the opposite sex. People should realize that without the opposite sex, it would mean the end of the human race. So both men and women are just as important as the other. Religion should not matter. A person is raised to believe something. No religion is wrong. Any person could argue that another religion is wrong. So if you tell someone that they are believing the wrong thing, they could same to yo ...

Number of words: 396 | Number of pages: 2

The Role Of Entertainers As Educators

... were essentially used to spread knowledge from one source to another. Religious disciplines were the first information passed from person to person through entertainment. In the third century B.C., Buddhist monks tried to win converts outside India through the use of theater and song (Burdick 97). They taught the precepts of Siddhartha and Buddha in such theatrical epics as Ramayana and Mahabharata, setting exacting rules for theater performance in the process (Burdick 99). Similarly, Irish monks established singing schools, which taught ...

Number of words: 1915 | Number of pages: 7


... doing with the kids. When planning games and activities make sure that they are appropriate for the age of the kids you are dealing with. And most important always show enthusiasm. To be a good leader you must be a good decision maker, eg. When you are faced with a problem child that will not listen or cooperate with you and the students in your class, then you must take some time and deal with the problem by, making a list of pros and cons of possible solutions in dealing with the problem. Be patient and give the kids a chance, because it ...

Number of words: 723 | Number of pages: 3

Discrimination Against Women

... Fact Sheet No.22, the term "" shall mean any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human rights an fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field. Why can it spread so widely? It is perpetuated by the survival of stereotypes and of traditional cultural and religious practices and beliefs ...

Number of words: 1060 | Number of pages: 4

Reality Is Perception

... touch, feel, taste, or smell or can a physical object exist without one being able to confirm its existence? Is the sensory perception of a fly wrong just because it has over a 1000 eyes or is the way humans view the world incorrect because we do not? A blind man can still help a person distinguish a colour because no one perception is ever totally interpreted by only one sensory organ. Many other animals on earth do not just rely on there sight for information about their world. For instance fish in totally dark areas of the ocean have n ...

Number of words: 706 | Number of pages: 3

Censorship In Society

... are given ratings, and these ratings censor the film. If a movie is given an ‘R’ rating, then kids who are under seventeen can’t see the movie. So the people making the movie are forced to censor their material, so that a younger audience can see the movie. Also, some movies are deemed inappropriate and theaters will not play them. Music is heavily censored, because some believe that music is the reason for most teen violence. They have stickers that are labeled ‘Explicit Lyrics’ pasted on them, or the bad word is simply ‘beeped ...

Number of words: 452 | Number of pages: 2

Other Minds

... into the third category, although of course issues relating to the other two will also be involved. Firstly, it is imperative to assert that, in looking for ‘knowledge’, we are not aiming for logical certainties - we are not aiming to show that any propositions about other minds can be demonstrated with absolute certainty equivalent to that of mathematical truths. Philosophy ever since Descartes has tended to be defined by scepticism: either it aims to produce sceptical theories or it aims to refute them. And sceptics tend towards ...

Number of words: 2498 | Number of pages: 10

How Should We Treat The Homeless?

... Years on the Road and on the Streets" in which he describes in one chapter "the process of scavenging Dumsters for food and other necessities." Eighner states that even though he is homeless with not much money, he still eats and sometimes finds money from scavenging Dumpsters. This seems like a form of self-reliance for him. In his story, Eighner tells us what is safe to eat, how to tell if it is safe, and where to get the food. He states that a lot of people throw away perfectly good food, and when they do he finds it. Eighner sa ...

Number of words: 451 | Number of pages: 2


... undereducated and without access to good jobs, become frustrated with their lives and join gangs as an alternative to boredom, hopelessness and devastating poverty. Studies have attempted to determine why gangs plague some communities but there has been no definitive answer. As a result, people working to solve gang problems have great difficulty. They find the situation overwhelming, and the violence continues. Early Gangs In United States History No groups completely fitting the above description of gangs existed in America until the e ...

Number of words: 4266 | Number of pages: 16

School Uniform

... because all her friends have designer clothing and expensive sneakers. I have to do this even though I don't have time and I can't afford it. I don't want my child to feel uncomfortable. How much time and energy do I have to spend on this shopping…? Believe me, a lot! It would be better for my daughter and me, if we spent this time in a museum or a library. Clearly, parents would not waste time and money if all schools had a uniform requirement. A uniform helps students concentrate on their schoolwork and instills discipline in pupils. Tw ...

Number of words: 409 | Number of pages: 2

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