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The First Account Of Censorship

Part one of term paper
The word censor comes from the Latin censere, which means "to count," as well as "to assess" or "estimate." Censorship is the control of communication between people. It's the restriction of viewing material due to its content. Censorship takes place when a person looks at a material and decides that the material is not suitable for other ...

Part two of term paper
... words in the subject. Sometimes the subject can just suggest certain things that people think will influence others; especially children. The freedom of speech and freedom of the press, are right guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution. Certain groups and individuals continually challenge them. They seek to block what is considered bad from others view. They want to protect their children from bad things and surround their life with only the good. comes when Samuel L. Clemens be ...

Word count: 426 | Approximate pages: 2

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