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Materialism In The 1920’s

Part one of term paper
In the novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzerald. Materialism plays a major role for one’s life in this novel. Jay Gastsby a very wealthy man lives a life of materialism just to prove to people that he is wealthy and important. Doing so he tries to impress a sertain lady by the name of Daisy Buchanan. Materialism plays a major role in G ...

Part two of term paper
... and better one. Next another way Gatsby is materialistic is by the expensive fantasy clothes he wears. Gatsby intently brags about how their imported from France and the price of them just to impress people. He also is never wearing a cheap watch or suit. When he ever goes down to New York city to his lunch inns with Wolfshien or his other materialistic friends. Gatsby also brags and over exaggerates when a person asks him where he got his education from and his money. From this he gives a pers ...

Word count: 587 | Approximate pages: 3

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