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Analysis Of Heaney's Punishment

Part one of term paper
Question: "On the surface, Heaney's poems are very simple. This simplicity however is deceptive, for the poems are usually most subtle and complex." What do you think of this response to Heaney's poems? Heaney's poetry may at first, initially seem simple, yet his poems do contain more complex underlying themes and ideas. Heaney has refined h ...

Part two of term paper
... and sophisticated ideas in relation to human nature and anthropology. The poem may seem simple at first such as; "your brains exposed and darkened combs your muscles webbing and all your numbered bones" (Stanza 9) These lines indicated the straight forward almost scientific nature of the poem, through Heaneys choice of unemotive words. This simplicity is seen throughout the poem, where the reader initially could perceive the poem to solely be about the life, and appearance of a 'bog woman'. ...

Word count: 1087 | Approximate pages: 4

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