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Drug Dependence

Part one of term paper
Symptoms of Substance Dependence Associated with Use of Cigarettes, Alcohol, and Illicit Drugs --- United States, 1991--1992 Each year in the United States, approximately 400,000 deaths result from cigarette smoking, 100,000 from misuse of alcohol, and 20,000 from use of illicit drugs. Many of the adverse health effects associated with the us ...

Part two of term paper
... that usually results in tolerance, withdrawal, and compulsive drug-taking behavior. Nicotine is the psychoactive substance in cigarettes and other forms of tobacco that accounts for the addictive properties of tobacco. In addition to tobacco, other potentially addictive substances include alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine. To assess the prevalence of selected indicators of substance dependence among the U.S. population, CDC and the National Institute on Drug Abuse analyzed data from t ...

Word count: 203 | Approximate pages: 1

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