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Genesis 1:1-30

Part one of term paper
In verses one through five, the earth is described as a formless wasteland, with all darkness, and winds swept over the waters. The creation of day and night is also explained. God called for light which he called day, and for dark which he called night. The first day, night came and morning followed. In verses six through eight, the creat ...

Part two of term paper
... water beneath the sky should gather into a single basin, so that dry land would appear. He called the dry land earth, and the basin sea. God saw the goodness of this. In verses eleven through thirteen, the creation of vegetation is explained. God called for every plant that comes from a seed, and every fruit tree that bears fruit with the seed in it. God again saw the goodness. The third day ended with night, which was followed by morning. In verses fourteen through nineteen, the creation of ...

Word count: 393 | Approximate pages: 2

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