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... the Christian. The Christian religion is one of few religions where punishments for sins are not severe. In the Christian religion, even if you have lived a life of sin, so long as you repent in the end, you will be saved and given eternal life. This is not so in other religions. Such religions as Hinduism for instance do not believe this. For everything you do wrong you will be punished. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, if not in this life, then the next. Hindu's also believe that punishing the body is part of the ...

Number of words: 830 | Number of pages: 4

The Egyptian Religion

... sun god, and this became the first monotheistic religion in history, but it was short lived, for when he died the new Pharaoh overruled the law and restored the other gods. The Egyptians Sacred literature was the “Book of the Dead” which consisted of 42 “negative confessions” , spells and prayers. Here is a excerpts from the “Book of the Dead” 1. I have not acted sinfully toward me 2. I have not oppressed the members of my family 3. I have not done wrong instead of what is right 4. I have known no worthless folk (Encarta ‘96 ...

Number of words: 1128 | Number of pages: 5

The Spaniard Quietist Miguel De Molinos

... with charges of heresy as well as of immoral misconduct. His main work La Guía Espiritual ("The spiritual Guide") was placed in the Index of the Church, and Molinos himself was condemned to life imprisonment, "to be perpetually clothed in the penitential garb, to recite the Credo and one third of the Rosary, and to make confession four times every year". Molinos recanted publicly. His admirers said that he was behaving consistently with what he believed and taught. His accusers said that his recanting was a proof of his guilt. What ...

Number of words: 1774 | Number of pages: 7

God’s Expectations

... very strict. When people do not live up to his expectations, he might punish them very harshly. Moses hit a rock instead of talking to it, and because of this, God did not let him into the land of Canaan. When Saul did not kill all of the Amalekites, God made David ruler instead of Saul, and Saul also died in battle. God told Adam and Eve not to pick the forbidden fruit, but Eve did and the punishment was the Original Sin. The Original Sin was when the serpent, woman, and man were given different punishments, because of the woman. Th ...

Number of words: 569 | Number of pages: 3


... to God as an offering. The priests performed these sacrifices as specialists on behalf of a community or congregation in order to restore the holiness of the community and of the Temple. It was believed that if there was sin among the people then God would not come and be with them. After the Temple was destroyed during the war with Rome, these animal sacrifices were stopped, and there were no more active Jewish priests. The religious leadership in the synagogue was led by the rabbis. In the Protestant religion there exists a "p ...

Number of words: 761 | Number of pages: 3

The Future Of Religion

... have valid reasons for joining a religion? This essay will examine this question and the compatibility of science and religion. One reason why followers believe in a religion is because that particular religion gives its believers comfort that everything will be for the best (even after death), because everything that happens in this world is an expression of the intentions of a higher being. This comfort comes from the belief that if you worship this higher being you will be protected from the evils of this world (or the afterlife). "A ...

Number of words: 1210 | Number of pages: 5

The Book Of Mark: An Essay For Humanities Courses That Treat The Bible As A Historical Document

... things happened in order. This may have little effect on changing the meaning of the lesson, however it illustrates the fact that Mark was trying to author a "readable" story for people, rather than a book of facts. The best example would be in Mark 10:17-31 (Jesus Counsel to the Rich) & (Parable of The Camel and the Eye of a Needle). It is doubtful that these things happened at the same time; however, they are GREY in The Five Gospels anyway ... and probably didn't happen as Mark describes. This brings us to Mark's writing style. ...

Number of words: 1437 | Number of pages: 6

The Unholy Crusade

... Christianity to the new world. Although Spain was the most powerful nation at the time, their attempt to spread Christianity on less civilized people came to a fatal end due to the explorers' detrimental actions. The movie Platoon reenacts this theme in a modern true life event. After World War II, America demonstrated itself to be arguably the most powerful nation. When communism threatened Vietnam, America acted to defend its democratic belief by sending troops over to thwart the communist attempts. Stone uses the war to portray the ...

Number of words: 774 | Number of pages: 3

The Bible And The Word "Inspire"

... up. By using the form of criticism known as literary criticism, we can analyze certain installments of the scripture and use them to prove that the scripture is, in fact, inspired, not a collection of false statements. There are times in the Bible and in Biblical history that the prophets themselves are confronted with people doubting the validity of the scripture, and trying to discredit it. "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughl ...

Number of words: 849 | Number of pages: 4


... he freed those who believe in him from their sinful state and made them recipients of God's saving grace. Despite popular belief by Christians, those of us who are not part of their religion are not lost souls. Most of us just have a problem believing in something that their is no evidence of existence. I in fact am a baptized Methodist. I actually attended church every Sunday until I was 16 years of age. This was when I stopped blindly believing and started asking questions. When the preacher couldn't answer my question about my religio ...

Number of words: 1365 | Number of pages: 5

Mormons In Utah

... and its numbers grow daily. Mormonism is officially the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Its founding doctrine is based on the assumption that Christianity was too corrupt and ungodly, and that restoring true Christian values was necessary. A revelation like this may only come through God who needs to put the true, pure forms of Christianity in a divine authority. The Mormons, who follow four books including The Bible, The Book of Mormon, Doctrine of Covenants, and Pearl of a Great Price do believe that all religions have ...

Number of words: 794 | Number of pages: 3

The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ

... explanation of the resurrection. The historical reliability of the Bible is the first matter that needs to be discussed. There are three criteria that the military historian C. Sanders lists as principles for documentary historical proof: the bibliographical test, internal evidence test, and the external evidence test (McDowell 43). The bibliographical test is the examination of text by the documents that have reached us. The reliability of the copies of the New Testament is tested by the number of manuscripts (MSS) and the time interv ...

Number of words: 1496 | Number of pages: 6

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