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Heart Of Darkness

... doesn't know what to expect. When his journey is completed, this little "trip" will have changed Marlow forever! Heart of Darkness is a story of one man's journey through the African Congo and the "enlightenment" of his soul. It begins with Charlie Marlow, along with a few of his comrades, cruising aboard the Nellie, a traditional sailboat. On the boat, Marlow begins to tell of his experiences in the Congo. Conrad uses Marlow to reveal all the personal thoughts and emotions that he wants to portray while Marlow ...

Number of words: 4069 | Number of pages: 15

Lady Macbeth

... to make him king that persuaded him to murder Duncan. Did she do this in the interests of Macbeth or was it to fulfil her own ambition? I would argue that it was to fulfil her own ambition because she decided straight away that murder was the best option to take without any regard to guilt, in this view I have no sympathy for because it is a sign of her inner evilness. To commit the murder of King Duncan calls upon “…the spirits that tend on mortal thoughts…”. She evokes evil to commit the deed and loses her identity; I would ...

Number of words: 706 | Number of pages: 3

Gullivers Travels 2

... as we know it is the fact that the Houyhnhnms are intelligent, noble creatures governed wholly by reason, and the Yahoos are naked, dirty humanoids that seem at best, barbaric creatures. The purpose of Part IV is to show the extremities of human nature, and to display both the good and bad qualities through two different examples. Swift makes the good quality of human nature seem more foreign to the reader by attributing that good quality, reason, to a horse. It also puts the period of Enlightenment in perspective for the reader. The ...

Number of words: 1324 | Number of pages: 5

A Midsummer Nights Dream

... 194) "Hence, get thee gone, and follow me no more." In III ii, Demetrius after being juiced begins to love Helena. (III ii,line 169-173) Demetrius says, "Lysander, keep thy Hermia; I will none. If e'er I loved her, all that love is gone. My heart to her but as guest- wise sojourned, And now to Helen is it home returned, There to remain." This proves he is a fool, because he is not aware of his changing love for Helena. Helena is a fool because Demetrius does not love her but she still persists in chasing him. Demetr ...

Number of words: 739 | Number of pages: 3

The Way A Man Breaks The Bonds

... who burned. He loved to pump kerosene on books and homes. He watched the serpent spit its fiery venom. He saw Prometheus come down from the heavens in a blaze of glory, as he struck a match. BOOM! The house is gone, the knowledge, contained within the walls, gone, all gone. Montag changed throughout this novel. Evil, futuristic technologies, as well as other events caused him to change. Montag wants a different world, and he sets out to get it. At first Montag was an average fireman. He was an average guy, in an average city, with an average ...

Number of words: 1366 | Number of pages: 5

An Analysis Of James Joyce's Eveline

... first reason for Eveline to stay is that she is does not have the courage to leave. She tries to convince herself that her life is not “ wholly undesirable,” but Joyce reveals how hard and undesirable her life actually is when he tells us that she “felt herself in danger of her father's violence.” She gets “palpitations” because she is so afraid of her own father. Although he beats her and treats her badly, she still thinks that “sometimes he could be very nice,” just because she remembers him making her laugh once, and ot ...

Number of words: 785 | Number of pages: 3

Les Miserables - How Society A

... met Valjean, he said, "You need not tell me who you are. This is not my house; it is the house of Christ. It does not ask any comer whether he has a name, but whether he has an affliction. You are suffering; you are hungry and thirsty; be welcome. And do not thank me; do not tell me that I take you into my house..... whatever is here is yours." (pg. 15-16) The bishop didn't look at him as a convict; he looked at him as a fellow brother. Later, when the bishop found out that Valjean stole his silver, he wasn't mad, but offered all of his s ...

Number of words: 818 | Number of pages: 3

Perils Of Hope - Analysis

... in the same stanza, he also depicts a beautiful spring day just after all the leaves have come out before all the blossoms appear on the orchard trees. Frost does this to show the extremes in which hope can be found. The second and third stanzas reiterate the same thing as the first four lines but in a more vivid way using color images and images off a frosty morning that brings a chill to the readers spine. "Peril of Hope," has a definite from. It is set up in a quatrain form with three stanzas. The poem has a rhyme scheme ABAB, wit ...

Number of words: 420 | Number of pages: 2

An Analysis Of Roddy Doyles Wr

... and adolescent boys, respectively. In The Woman Who Walked Into Doors, Roddy Doyle tells the story of a recovering alcoholic who has been in an abusive marriage. This woman, Paula Spencer, struggles throughout the novel to gain control of the confusion her life has become. Through his use of the vernacular, detailed imagery, and stream of consciousness, Doyle is able to show the effect that abuse has on its victims. Ever since she was a child, Paula Spencer was treated with disrespect. She attended a grade school which classified her as an ...

Number of words: 3373 | Number of pages: 13

Crime And Punishment 4

... human. The rebellion of these humanists against the system and the reality of human life becomes more important, thus love becomes the filter and the servant of pride and ideals. The cause of XIX c. liberals becomes more important to them than the actual human being that might not fit the picture of their perfect and humane society. Through these problems and opposites which cross and overlap each other, Dostoevsky depicts social issues, especially the problem of murder, through an image of people who go through pain. He presen ...

Number of words: 3949 | Number of pages: 15

The Queen Of Spades, Pushkin

... AND SALIERI. (It is worth noting here that the great nineteenth-century Russian composer, Rimsky-Korsakov, wrote a successful opera based on the play in 1898; and both the play and the opera would later inspire the British playwright Peter Shaffer in writing AMADEUS). Pushkin's short stories--such as "The Queen of Spades," upon which Tchaikovsky based his great opera "Pique Dame"--are the first great works of prose fiction in Russian to stand the test of time unshakably. His most widely read masterpiece, the verse novel EUGENE ONEGIN, is ...

Number of words: 1642 | Number of pages: 6

Grapes Of Wrath - Jim Casy Chracter Analysis

... to discover one's true identity and beliefs. Casy, however, was much more complex than the average individual. His unpredjudiced, unified, Christ-like existence twists and turns with every mental and extraneous disaccord. Jim Casy is an interesting, complicated man. He can be seen as a modern day Christ figure, except without the tending manifest belief in the Christian faith. The initials of his name, J.C., are the same as Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus was exalted by many for what he stood for was supposed to be , Casy was hailed and res ...

Number of words: 2490 | Number of pages: 10

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