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The Secret Sharer: A Summary

... grow and explore himself and the world around him, and in the process becoming a functional member of a society. The novella may be only fifty pages long but its words speak volumes. The first indication of a course that a novel may take is its title. The three little words contained in the title give rise to many interpretations. An image generated by the title could be that of a gossip. Since a gossip is someone who tells people's secrets, or in other words is a secret sharer if the word secret is taken for a noun, it is a possibility t ...

Number of words: 2669 | Number of pages: 10

Prejudice And The Pain And Suffering It Has Caused

... as you can see when Aunt Alexandra tried to get Atticus to fire Calpurnia, because in her eyes, Calpurnia wasn't a good enough female role model (p.136). This is a prejudice action, because Calpurnia is as good as a role model as Aunt Alexandra, if not better. Aunt Alexandra is a bigot and doesn't see the character of Calpurnia, just the color of her skin. Another person who is treated like an inferior is Scout by her teacher, because she knew how to read. "She discovered that I was literate and looked at me with more than faint dist ...

Number of words: 753 | Number of pages: 3

Response To Civil Disobedience

... that government should not be in control of the people and that the people should be able to rule themselves freely however they please. In addition, he clearly states and points out that in many instances it is best when individual rights take priority over state authority. Very often, the best authors, whether it be of a novel or an essay, clearly state their opinions and facts using various literary techniques and devices. From reading other Thoreau works, such as excerpts from Walden and Excursions, I was able to infer that he has hi ...

Number of words: 932 | Number of pages: 4

Fyodor Dostoyevsky's The House Of The Dead

... along with 20 other members of the Circle, were condemned to be shot. Literally moments before his execution was to occur, his sentence was commuted to four years hard labor in Omsk, Siberia. He accepted his punishment and began to regard many of the simple convicts as extraordinary people. During his sentence, he became devoted to Orthodox Christianity. The House of the Dead was initially published in Russia, 1860. Upon initial examination of the work, it appears to be a stream of consciousness account of Dostoy ...

Number of words: 770 | Number of pages: 3

An Analysis Of The Novel Candide By Voltaire

... While Candide is suffering from hunger and cold he is met by two men who trick him into service in the Bulgarian army. Candide has a terrible time in the army, he tries to escape, and he is punished severely. During the confusion of war Candide manages to escape. Time passes and Candide meets some other interesting individuals and has one bad experience after the next. One day Candide meets a woman who takes care of him and this is none other than Cunegonde. They amuse each other with stories of misfortune and travel around the world. A ...

Number of words: 753 | Number of pages: 3

The Pardoner: Chaucer's Religions Diction

... head as having "hair as yellow as wax / hanging down smoothly" with "no hood upon his head" is next (695-696,700). He rode "in the latest mode," expressing that he wants to be high in fashion with the time (702). More description of his head, "a little cap, …bulging eyeballs," with a holy relic on his cap," stress the face of the Pardoner (703-704,705). Descriptions of the "holy relics" follow and show that he is actually a fraud. Drawing "more than the parson in a month or two" and singing "an Offertory" the best, reveals his ...

Number of words: 550 | Number of pages: 2

The Outsiders: Character Changes

... and a good athlete in track. Pony also thought that his older brother Darry hated him because he was too strict with him. But when Pony's best friend Johnny died of injury from the church fire, Pony began to be in denial about Johnny's death. He started to drop grades and fail classes, He became scatter minded. When he read Johnny's note to him, he got over it and wrote a book for an English essay, and he found out that Darry really did love him. Johnny was a quiet, scared and abandoned teenager, yet when he was with the gang he felt hap ...

Number of words: 243 | Number of pages: 1

Hamlet 3

... MacKnezie the first Earl of Cromarty,(McNie,1983), who wrote the charter of 1266 in his Majesties service. The charter contains the events which lead to the MacKenzies gaining there coat of arms. It tells the story of Cailean who saved the King in the forest of Mar,(McNie,1983). The King was out hunting and his hounds when a furious stag charged at him. Cailean stepped in front of the charging deer and shot it in the forehead with an arrow. For his bravery the King granted for arm's a stags head bleeding from the forehead and as ...

Number of words: 1245 | Number of pages: 5

Huckleberry Finn

... to hide the harsh realities and toughness they had to endure. Previously Twain wrote in a style we call the romantic style, where everything is covered up so it will look peaceful and happy. Throughout the most part of this story people are the biggest hypocrites. How can they expect people to be "civilized" when they own slaves? Being "civilized" is the whole theme of the book and what is considered "civilized" anyway? This is what Huck hates about society, people are wrong and corrupt, and he can't understand it. The only people who aren't ...

Number of words: 1754 | Number of pages: 7

Blood In Macbeth

... Duncan's room and he sees "on the blade and dudgeon gouts of blood", indicating that the knife has been violently stabbed into someone. The next reference, in Scene 2, is when Lady Macbethsmears the blood from the dagger on the faces and hands of the sleeping servants "I'll guild the faces of the grooms withal, for it must seem their guilt". This is another sinister and wicked reference to blood, setting up the innocent servants of the king. Again, blood is referred to when Malcolm and Donaldbain are discussing what to do and Malcolm says: ...

Number of words: 424 | Number of pages: 2

A Literary Analysis Of Jack Kerouac's On The Road

... the novel, Kerouac uses a great deal of imagery to paint a beautiful picture of America. His words bring the reader to stand side by side with Sal Paradice on his adventurous treks across the country and see the world through his eyes. For every borrowed Cadillac and every hitchhike on back of a pickup truck, the reader is along for the ride. In every smokey little jazz club and every cramped run down apartment, the reader shares the experience. The way that Kerouac is able to create a detailed portrait of every ...

Number of words: 524 | Number of pages: 2

The Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis

... Ralph and Piggy meet each other in a thick jungle and discover that they crashed in an airplane and are stranded. They also learn that there are no adults present on the island and that none of the adults survived the crash. As they approach a beach, they find an enormous conch shell. Piggy gives the conch a little toot and summons the rest of the boys on the island to the beach. The boys assemble and elect Ralph as the leader. Ralph then assigns the Choir, led by Jack, to be the hunters. Then Jack, Ralph, and Simon set out to explore the isl ...

Number of words: 1200 | Number of pages: 5

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